And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12: 2
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
This new year is crowned with great promise—it will be a year of transformation, breakthrough, and unstoppable glory. You are shining in every area of your life—at work, at home, in your finances, and in your health. God’s glory is radiating through you as you walk in His perfect will, knowing that you are blessed, victorious, healed, and accepted in Christ. No evil, failure, or defeat will prevail. Even challenges are working together for your good because Christ has already accomplished everything on your behalf.
Let this be our mindset for 2025: one of faith, victory, and boldness.
Positioning for God’s Glory
We are called to position ourselves for God’s glory. Everything we enjoy is a reflection of His goodness, and we return all glory to Him. As we align our lives for His glory, He reveals even more of Himself to us.
In Matthew 17:9, Jesus instructed His disciples to keep the vision of His transfiguration hidden until the appointed time. Today, however, we have the authority to share that vision. The glory Jesus revealed on the mountain was not just for His time—it was for ours. It shows the potential of a life fully aligned with God’s will.
The Six Days: A Symbol of Completion
In Matthew 17:1, Jesus took Peter, James, and John up a high mountain after six days. These six days symbolize the redemptive work of Christ: His crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and enthronement. After six days, Christ completed everything necessary for your ultimate good.
Your victory, breakthrough, prosperity, and sanctification are already established. Jesus sat down not because He was tired but because the work was finished. This year, let us walk boldly in the place God has prepared for us, knowing that His plan is already accomplished.
The Mountain: A Higher Perspective
The high mountain symbolizes a shift in understanding and perspective. Jesus calls us to rise above the valley of earthly limitations and embrace the certainty of victory. On the mountain, we find rest and assurance in God’s will. No matter what comes our way, we can confidently declare:
“I am successful, I am victorious, and I have all I need to overcome.”
The Three Keys to Transformation
Jesus took Peter, James, and John with Him to the mountain, and each disciple represents a key principle for transformation:
1. Peter – Hearing: Peter symbolizes the ability to hear and receive the Gospel. In 2025, what you listen to matters. Shut out negativity and focus on the good news of what Christ has done for you. Transformation begins when you align your hearing with the truth of the Gospel.
2. James – Decision-Making: James represents the ability to judge and decide. 2025 will require bold decisions. Submit your choices to Christ and align them with His will. Let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no. Be firm and courageous in following the narrow path God has set for you.
3. John – Love: John represents love—your ability to see others as God does, walk in unity, and forgive. In 2025, forgiveness will be key. Let God renew your ability to love so that His glory can fully manifest in your life.
Walking in 2025 with Confidence
The will of God is already established, and it is good. Transformation comes when we bring our hearing, decisions, and love under His authority. As we embrace these principles, 2025 will be a year of breakthrough. Whatever we do, God’s glory will shine through us.
Let us step into 2025 with boldness and confidence, trusting God’s perfect will and allowing His glory to transform every aspect of our lives. This is your year to shine. Be bold, be disciplined, and embrace the transformation God has prepared for you.